Last February as I was soaking in the rays and crystal clear water at Waimea Bay on Oahu’s north shore I had a thought. This is paradise! If I could create the most perfect day it would definitely include this beach. Way back then and also most recently with my move to Australia, I keep ruminating on this thought of the ideal day, or in that case lifestyle. What would my perfect day include? And most importantly how can I get to a point where the things that make up that ideal day are huge parts of every day.

To answer such massive questions I have to dig deep and find what I’m utmost passionate about. What fuels my soul and keeps me floating on cloud 9? I’ve already discovered a lot of my passions, but I know there are always more to reveal. Join me in the excavation of your dreams. Use this exercise below to design your most epic day.

I used my life and ideas as an example and jumping off point…

1.) What are you passionate about and why? List your four main passions. This is meant to be very broad… try not to think of this as an ideal job or anything work related. Just write down what fuels your soul (examples- nature, music, surfing, cooking, hiking, camping, traveling, writing).

My answer:

Dance: nothing makes me feel more alive! Every class/performance is a new experience that allows me to dig deeper into my physical and emotional being. Dance lets me connect with people/audiences energetically. I love making people feel. As they say “the heart only recognizes what comes from the heart,” and I feel that’s what dance does. It connects hearts.

Pilates: I like to think of Pilates as my foundation and maintenance program. Not only can I continuously increase the depth of the work which keeps me interested and ever growing, but it serves as my support system for dance. Meaning the Pilates method keeps me aligned and injury free so I can dance my heart out with utmost control and awareness. Teaching Pilates is the most rewarding thing I do besides writing Epicself. I feel like I am truly making a difference in my clients lives. Helping them become stronger more aware humans. I also get to be super creative while shaping each session or class.

Yoga: This is a passion I would like to incorporate more of in my everyday life. A large portion of my warm up everyday includes yoga poses, but the spiritual/meditative aspect is often lost. Stretching and strengthening the body with extreme focus and mental clarity are right along the same lines as Pilates and dance…no wonder I love it!

Writing: This blog began as a way for me to share and develop my knowledge in the mind/body/spirit connection. I never thought of myself as a writer and struggled to find my niche and voice. What began as a side project in the rest of my insanely busy life has blossomed into a full blown passion. I find myself overwhelmed with a flow of ideas that I want to get out in the world. Writing about self improvement has not only furthered my own growth, but showed me the importance of helping others do the same. I have found my super power so to speak…Ultimate motivator! Motivating and inspiring people to create their most epic self has come full circle…driving me more and more to be the best I can be. SO THANK YOU ALL!!

2.) Who do you enjoy spending time with the most and why? The why is very important because it speaks volumes about what you look for in others. Once you know what you like you’ll keep finding it!

My answer: Obviously my dear friends and family. I have some of the most amazing friends. They are always there to support me…even when I completely disappeared for the 4 years of my last (horribly isolated) relationship. They understood. We laugh, cry, and inspire each other.

My close knit family of four are some of the most driven and supportive people I have ever met. Cheerleaders, just like me! I can’t remember a time when my mom said, “you can’t do this, you can’t do that.” They have always pushed me to be my personal best and supported what ever and where ever my heart took me. They understand the necessity of following your heart. I also love meeting new people. You’ll find me chatting up anyone and everyone! Everybody has something to teach and share with you.

3.) What are your favorite places in the world and why? This could range from the bath tub to the sandy shores of Tahiti. List em’ all!

My short answer: any sunny warm beach, lush dense mountain forests, sitting under a shower (or waterfall), star gazing with a full moon…because I love the sun and warmth (I’m chronically cold!) and grew up on the beach, because trees are beautiful and make me feel insignificant in the grand scheme of things, because the feeling of water running over the body is unreal, and finally because gazing up at the infinite universe brings you back to Earth! Makes you realize you only have now…and that you are a part of something utterly mind boggling! We all should look up more often.

4.) What sparks your senses? What makes you get goosebumps, salivate, relax, and remind you of good times? Cover all 5 senses.

My short answer:

Taste: gotta love fruit!

Smell: fresh ocean breeze or the crisp smell of trees in the morning.

Touch: soft down comforters, warm shower, face hurting from smiling too much, flowing skirts and tops

Hear: waves crashing, birds chirping, the mellow vibes of reggae, or dance beats, jokes

See:smiling faces, crystal clear water, green forest, dance

5.) Now that you’ve got your key answers, lets start designing your epic day in the life! Include everything you’ve revealed above.

According to all my passions, ideal places, people and senses, this is my ideal day in a nut shell…

I’d wake up to the sun filtering through the white linen curtains of my open air bungalow. I’d look outside and hear the parrots chattering in the lush trees that surround the house. I’d climb out of my soft silky sheets with the love of my life (haven’t found him yet). Walk bare foot out to the front porch and take in the panoramic view of the ocean and tropical forest behind me. Breath in the fresh salty breeze. I’d sit on the porch and meditate for 20 mins. We’d walk out to our massive organic garden in back and pick sweet bananas and other fruit for a light breakfast coupled with witty and fun small talk.

I’d pull out my mat on the beach and do about a half hour of Pilates followed by a half hour of yoga. I’d then ride my bike a mile to my Pilates/Dance studio where I’d teach both for a few hours. One more hour for writing on Epicself and connecting with my readers. I’d then ride home and catch my husband walking out of the ocean, surfboard in hand. I’d climb into the outside shower to cool off. We’d again hit up the garden and create a massive lunch for 10 of our closest friends. We’d joke, and laugh until our stomachs hurt. Lunch would be followed by a swim in the waves.

A bomb fire would ignite around sunset where we’d chat with a few friends, tea in hand. Soon the stars would come out and we’d all gaze up in amazement at the beauty of it all. Friends would disperse and the two of us would retire for the night….not going to go into what happens next…haha…then slipping blissfully off to sleep with the sounds of the waves to lull us to sleep.

I could go on forever! So now that you have your ideal day mapped out, MAKE IT HAPPEN. Set aside time everyday to brainstorm and act. How can you cultivate your dream in reality. You are the only one standing in your way… so tell yourself to move over and press onward and upward!

Now that you’ve completed your day in a nut shell post it in the comments! I want to hear about your dreams.

