Let go of what you think is real. Whether it’s a person, a job, a lifestyle or cultural programming. If you are eager for change or at a gigantic crossroads you must first create space for what could be. Open your heart to open your mind. Get perspective. You are limitless and more than capable. You are equipped with all you need to manifest your ideal reality. You already hold the paint brushes.
How do you begin?

Plant the seeds with your thoughts. Speak and act in alignment with those new beliefs. Say goodbye to people and environments that tether and manipulate you into being what you are not. You DONT need to hold others peoples drama and carry their traumas. You DONT need to bear the burden and pain of the world on your shoulders. You CAN move locations. You CAN learn to let go. You CAN heal.

You might not even know you are holding onto someone, or something, until its released. The immense relief and peace within your heart is how you know. There are always deeper levels of release. That you can always depend on. The ego doesn’t understand this, but the spirit knows.

Change is never easy. Our egos fight to hold on and fight to let go. Instead, we must accept what is and allow ourselves to feel fully. It’s okay to clear your heart and breathe through the pain. Only then, with a new open space, can you step forward to receive your intentions.

We are spirits having a human experience. We are on a rapid spiraling trajectory through the cosmos to express and develop ourselves for the benefit of the planet. In the process of this discovery the techniques most valuable are letting go of all that is not you, aligning with this moment, receiving and giving love, expressing and creating you.

Do you agree?!

Eager for more ‪#‎truth‬? My next two night Shamanic Ayahuasca Retreat is October 9th-10th. Very limited space for this small group awakening. Apply here.

