Did you know or bodies are comprised of over 100 trillion cells of which 10% are human? The other 90% are bacteria or other microbes. Crazy cool.

Did you know you have an entirely new body of cells every 7-10 years? Yes, I know! It’s downright astounding!

We are still only scratching the surface of understanding the complexities of our own physical form, yet one thing everyone agrees on is that you are what you eat.

Whole living ?plant foods hold the nutrients that nourish your super busy cells. They are packed to the brim with everything you will ever need and more to function at your absolutely best.

I transitioned to a raw vegan lifestyle over 7 years ago now and haven’t looked back. I have never felt so clear, focused, energized, connected to myself and nature. After a month of 100% raw initially I felt so super human I couldn’t go back to subpar living.

I teach this lifestyle to those who wish to feel the same. Those who are eager to detox, lose excess weight forever, heal, nourish and awaken to their highest potential mind, body and spirit.

The change you wish to see within yourself starts with your thoughts and behaviors around food. It’s that simple and yet incredibly challenging for most people.


Because food is tied directly to our emotions and how we feel about ourselves. Positive change in dietary habits cannot shift until you address the underlying lack of self love and respect.

When you respect and honor your body fully your paradigm will evolve and you will stop eating and drinking things that destroy your temple. Start with love.

Look at what you are missing out on! Natures technicolor bounty made perfectly just for you.

