21 weeks IN vs 21 weeks OUT.

What a magical, empowering & challenging AF journey…

I think back to this time last year in complete awe of how much I’ve transformed since then.

Back then I was working full time coaching 13 female entrepreneurs, planning the launch for my group business coaching program, creating monthly video training for my self-love warrior membership community, podcasting every week, designing the nursery, working out daily, eating as clean as possible, taking my supplements & still sleeping 9 hrs a night.

Life felt SO fulfilling & fun in my 2nd trimester, yet I couldn’t wait to begin my next big chapter as a mama. I was eager to figure out this thing called parenting & pump the breaks on my business for a bit.

Fast forward to today, almost 5 months into Wilders time on Earth…

I’m working 10 hrs max per week coaching 4 female entrepreneurs. My typical day consists of baby care, self-care, a bit of work & quality time with @awakenwithjp in the evenings.

I’m getting my workouts in about 5 days per week, eating clean, taking my supplements, breastfeeding every 2 hrs, going on date nights, hanging with friends again, but sleep is pretty elusive. Wilder is awake every 2-3 hrs at night right now.

I haven’t had a full night of sleep in about 7 months. I didn’t sleep well during my 3rd trimester either. Somehow my body has adapted & I can still function well. Napping has become essential.

I’m grateful to be beyond the 4th-trimester intensity. Between the big hormonal shifts, the lack of quality time with JP & learning how to take care of a fussy infant, while my body recovered from the birth, was a Herculean feat.

It was honestly the most difficult period JP & I have navigated together thus far.

Now that Wilder is almost 5 months old everything is starting to feel easier & I have some space to pursue what lights my heart up now.

I’m feeling called to spend a lot more time outside with my hands in the soil growing organic food for the family. So I’m starting a big garden!

I can’t wait to teach Wilder how to grow his own produce & make yummy meals from our backyard. It’s been a dream of mine forever!


Much Love,

Amber Sears

Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

