Every day is Earth Day, but giving a special shout-out to mama Gaia always feels extremely appropriate.
Not a day goes by that I don’t immerse in her unbelievable beauty and power. I wake up eager to get outside and romp in her symbiotic perfection.

The Power of Nature

Nature is my greatest medicine, teacher, and healer. Always has been, and always will be.
Whenever I’m feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed, distracted or ungrounded I go sit in the flowers or walk through the trees.
My nerves instantly relax, my vibration shifts, and I remember where I come from. My home, our home, is here on this sacred soil we call Earth.
We are not separate from or superior to nature. Thinking and acting like we are is a recipe for mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual disease.
We’ve been programmed most of our lives to disconnect from our only home.
  • Trade in playing outside for more screen time…
  • Over-consume and squander our natural resources…
  • Pop pills made in a lab instead of heal with plants from the forest…
  • Eat processed junk food instead of whole foods grown in the garden…
The list goes on and on…
NOW is the time to take our power back and remember who we are.
Now is the time, more than ever before, to reconnect to our true source and unplug from the matrix of illusion broadcast through our screens.

May we…

  • Reconnect to the Earth daily.
  • Learn how to better respect and honour her through our individual and collective choices.
  • Empower, inspire, and educate others by leading by example.
  • Preserve our natural world for all future generations, so they too may bask in all of her magnificent glory.
Photo by @melissarobinphoto


Much Love,

Amber Sears

Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

