Since I last wrote I’ve been a busy traveling teaching bee. Between San Francisco, Sedona, Costa Rica, and Mexico, my immunity remained strong thanks to mindful food and lifestyle choices. I’ve yet to get sick. It’s been 5 years at least! Over the years I’ve developed simple strategies for eating healthy on the road, but always bring a few superfood and vitamin supplements to get me through the times when produce is scarce. Ever wonder what I supplement?
Since my experience visiting the Nature Made Vitamin factory, learning from their experts, and 3 months of ambassadorship, I’ve incorporated vitamin D and B12 into my morning and travel routine. As a Northern California gal, during the Winter months, I needed a bit more sun exposure to go without a Vit D supplement. I did soak in plenty of sun on Costa Rican beaches though. Now that Spring and Summer are on their way I know I won’t need to supplement Vitamin D nearly as much. I highly recommend my clients adjust to the seasonal shifts.

One vitamin that never goes out of style is B12. American soil is depleted of B12 bacteria. Meat eaters and vegans a like do not absorb enough B12 from their food. Have your blood work done to check for a B12 deficiency and supplement accordingly. Unless you have a B12 deficiency, taking doses of it daily is just precautionary coverage in my opinion. I am not a doctor, but this is my opinion from over a decade of study and research.
I’m elated to share a video of our two day experience in Los Angeles below. Overall I learned a lot about how vitamins are formulated, manufactured and researched. I also created strong bonds with the other inspiring women health bloggers that I hope remain far beyond this project.
Nature Made VitaMelts are a new “one of a kind, enjoyable way to take your vitamins because they melt in your mouth and taste great. Discover how new Nature MadeVitaMelts€ can transform your vitamin taking experience by making it enjoyable. Visit us at to learn more.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nature Made via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nature Made.

