What else can Amy Winehouse do to get herself into headlines? Well sadly, today it’s a whole different problem. The skeletal star with the gorgeous voice is now under the spot light for her bulimia eating disorder. Close friends report that they are more concerned about her eating habits than her drug abuse!

 That’s pretty hard to imagine since Winehouse was taken to the hospital in August for overdosing on several drugs. Apparently, Amy has been bulimic since her teens and her friends fear, at this point, that she will never recover.
Bulimia is an extremely serious eating disorder that effects a person physically, mentally and spiritually!!
If you suspect a friend or loved one suffers from Bulimia, here are some warning signs to watch out for:
-Engages in binge eating and cannot voluntarily stop.
-Uses the bathroom frequently after meals.
-Reacts to emotional stress by overeating.
-Experiences menstrual irregularities
-Has swollen glands
-Experiences frequent fluctuations in weight.
-Cannot voluntarily stop eating.
-Is obsessively concerned with his/her weight.
-Attempts to adhere to diets, but generally fails.
-Feels guilt or shame about eating
-Feels out of control.
-Has depressive moods.
For more information on this scary eating disorder and how to find help click here.

