What do you eat in a day, Amber? I hear this question quite often, and I’m more than happy to share my daily choices surrounding my plant-based lifestyle with you and will be making a video about it for you next week.

I took this vibrant pic of my lunch a few weeks back to give you an idea. This mixed green salad hosts fresh leafy greens topped with lots of avocado, curried cauliflower, purple cabbage, kraut, red bell pepper, sprouts, mixed quinoa, black forbidden rice, and a super yummy vegan ranch dressing from Primal Kitchen Foods.

So, What Do I Typically Eat?

A rainbow of veggies, greens, quinoa, black rice, lentils, beans, avocados, hummus, nuts, seeds, seaweeds, and fruit make up the bulk of my plant-based lifestyle.

I’ve experimented with my diet since I was 16 years old. That’s when I realize how much my food was negatively affecting my health and my ability to perform at my best as a dancer.

I went through many phases trying out different approaches. Everything from Ayurvedic philosophy, to Macrobiotics, to Traditional Chinese Medicine, to an 8-year journey as a raw vegan.

Finally, I settled on a plant-based approach that truly suits my needs. In fact, I’d say my diet consists of about 50% raw and 50% cooked whole plant foods from the Earth.

However, I strongly believe that everyone is different and needs to experiment and find what works best for them.

With that being said, I’ve LOVED every minute of eating plant-based. And I truly THRIVE with this lifestyle, which is why I kept it up over the years.

I experience long-lasting energy throughout the day, awesome mental clarity, easy and efficient digestion, and clear radiant skin. Also, I maintain my normal weight effortlessly and very rarely get sick.

I owe it all to the foods I choose to consume, and I’m grateful I found this plant-based lifestyle back in my early twenties. I only wish I had discovered it sooner!!

So, if you’d like to learn more about a plant-based lifestyle and follow my top 15 plant-based nutrition guidelines, just drop a comment below or email me at amber@epicself.com requesting it, and I’ll send you the link to my free ebook called The Guide To Epic Living.

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Lots of Love!

Amber Sears


