I was shaking in fear but drank my first cup of Ayahuasca. Deep down I knew this was the beginning of a profound healing journey.

I was eager to get out of my own way & break the self-destructive patterns that enslaved me. Little did I know I would go on to work extensively with this ancient tradition & master plant for the next 7 years.

Many of you asked about the tools & techniques I used to overcome a severe eating disorder & learn to unconditionally love myself on my last post. Especially, my work with Ayahuasca.

I’m an open book & more than happy to share about the undeniable beauty & healing power of this sacred plant teacher.

If you had told me back in my early twenties that I’d end up sitting in the jungle, drinking entheogenic plants with shamans & facing my deepest demons in order to heal, I would have laughed in your face.

In hindsight, I know it was always destined to be a huge part of my spiritual awakening process & my mission here on Earth.

I’ve written & spoken at length about Ayahuasca over the last several years on social media & within countless podcast interviews, including a 60 min solo episode on my @soulpoweredpodcast. Feel free to start there if you’d like a deep dive Ayahuasca 101 tutorial.

Ayahuasca For Me

In a nutshell, I’ve sat in over 80 ceremonies with renowned healers from the Peruvian & Columbian traditions. The number of ceremonies one experiences really doesn’t matter, but I want to give you all some context.

I’m most aligned with the Peruvian way & have fallen in love with the Shipibo people & their magical work. They are nestled in the Amazon rainforest in a small town called Pucallpa.

The most masterful curanderos I’ve worked with over the years were born into, or trained for decades, within this lineage. And that’s said to be over 5,000 years old.

My deep respect & reverence for their work makes me cry. I don’t know who’d I’d be without their guidance, wisdom & support.

The joyful, passionate, peaceful & purpose-driven life I experience today is a direct reflection of the amount of healing work I’ve done with this sacred medicine.


Much Love,

Amber Sears

Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

