You were born more powerful than you can imagine as the ultimate creator of your life.

We all were.

You’ve just forgotten. I’ll keep reminding you.

Why? Because you are deserving and worthy of all the love, peace, and freedom you desire.

You just have to claim it. You have to stop giving your power away to external forces and take complete responsibility for your growth.

Claim your seat and stand in your own skin. Even if it’s uncomfortable at first.

Growing pains are to be expected and embraced.

In order to break free from your comfort zones, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs you must first…

DECIDE that now is your time. Someday will always be someday.

CLARIFY your vision and intentions. Feel them from every ounce of your being.

COMMIT to and walk your unique path. Only you can do you.

COMPLETE each step. No matter how small.

SHOW UP. Even when you don’t feel like it.

EXPLORE the edges of your human potential. There is no end to your expansion.

BE willing to experiment and “fail” a lot.

LEAD from your heart and celebrate the journey of becoming.

You were born for more.

Do you feel me?!

What is your primary intention and goal for this week? What actions are you taking to get there? How will you overcome the inner resistances that may arise, like excuses? I’d love to hear from you!

P.S – My most recent epic pics were shot by the lovely and talented Mel Christina of If you are looking for a wonderful Austin based photographer, check out her beautiful work.



Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

