“We show up, burn brightly, live passionately, hold nothing back, and when the moment is over, when our work is done, we step back and let go.”

This quote makes me cry. FYI I never cry. It’s simply too beautiful. I heart Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison’s book Meditations From The Mat: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga. 365 meditations, one per day, one focus of intent for morning meditation, yoga practice or evening reflection.

As a teacher and student this book blows my mind. It’s come into my path now three various times, people and places around the globe, so I figured it was about time I dove in to the text. Rolf helps us find peace of mind- the ideal balance between standing firm and surrendering to flow.

On another high note, here are my move, nourish, be epic links of the week:

1.) Veggie pHortification Did you eat your greens today? Alkaline veggies keep our pH in check, immunity pumped and cancer at bay. G.reen up over on Kris Carr’s Crazysexylife.com.

2.) Did you see this yet? What do you think of this anti-McDonalds ad? I have a feeling it will work just like the cancer images on cigarette packages caused smokers to make wiser decisions.

3.) Leo from Zen Habits has tweaked Tim Ferris’s 4 Hour Body slow carb philosophy into The Simplest Diet For Lean Fitness. I agree with Leo’s simple approach. Though he cooks more than me, the more raw, real, simple food we eat the better.

4.) Another fabulous post from Kevin Gianni about indigenous diets from all over the world. He gives you three ways to know if your diet is working for you. Hint: It’s about what you are not eating!

5.) My minimalist buddy Everett finds himself on the tip of a movement once again with his latest- The Facebook Exodus and The Future of Communication

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! If you are reading this Everett, you rock. Twitter rules all social media.
Spread wildly and burn bright today!

