Whether you are hiking the Himalayas, training for a 5k, or floating down a babbling river in an inner tube, you will need some high octane fuel to maintain suitable energy levels for all your Summer activities. Snacking or munching several small meals a day keeps your blood sugar from slumping to burnout levels. Stable energy + fiery metabolism = almost the ideal snacking technique. What could make your snacks even better?
Adding enough antioxidants to kill off even the mightiest army of free radicals. Drank too much last weekend? Trying to get over a cold? Wanting to prevent cancer down the line? Let a monsoon of antioxidant rich superfoods rain down on you. Here are some potent snack contenders:

 1.) Acai bowl with flax seeds on top: I heart acai more than words can express. If I could ship out a truck load to Australia you’d find me spooning down this stuff every morning. Add flax seeds for an extra boost.
2.) Almond butter drizzled on apple wedges and blue berries with honey: You will probably never find me without a baggy of almonds in my satchel. With high fiber, protein, and essentiel fatty acids almonds are practically the most perfect food made by mother nature. Lick a spoonful or drizzle some almond butter on apple wedges and blueberries. Honey on top for an extra punch of natures goodness.

3.) Hummus with whole wheat pita or an assortment of veggies: I buy hummus in very large tubs and precede to dip about anything and everything in it over the course of the next week. If you adore hummus like me then you can relate. Highly addictive! It comes in loads of flavors and is high in fiber and protein. Pick a range of colorful veggies to dip or for those bread lovers like me, whole wheat pitas or rye crackers rule.

4.) Goji berry trail mix: one of the best Goji berry trail mixes I have come across was from a natural food store in Sydney: Almonds, goji berries, sunflower seeds, and cashews. Goji berries are neck and neck with blueberries and acai on the antioxidant chart of wonder. Gobbled down for thousands of years by Tibetans, these ruby red dried berries are a complete protein and can be sprinkled on just about any snack.

5.) Broccoli and pine nuts sauteed in olive oil: Okay this is a no brainer. Broccoli has been highlighted for it’s anti cancer, dark green and fibrous nature. Who doesn’t love olive oil for it’s essential fatty acids, superb antioxidant level and ability to be used in any meal? Pine nuts and their oil have recently become super stars in the nutrient world thanks to their anti inflammatory and antioxidant nature.

6.) One glass of red wine with an ounce (or two or three!) of dark chocolate: Red wine or grapes in general are another fruit to include in your snacking. Grab a baggie of grapes mid day or sip a glass of organic, biodynamic vino occasionally to reap the benefits. Added bonus…semi dark chocolate. The higher the cocoa content the better. I usually go for the 80%, organic variety.
Why do I feel whole food antioxidants are a must in every meal or snack? Case in point: Last week I came down with a cold from some people in the hostel I was bunking with. This cold hit me like a ton of bricks. I was pretty much bed ridden for two days with a gnarly sinus infection and headache (or was that a fever? hmm..). Anyway I was irritated because I pride myself on having an immune system of steal and this bugger had taken me down. So I ran to the store for my favorite antioxidant rich foods and herbal teas. I was back two days later with full energy and spirit. My hostel bunk mate who suffered the same cold is still getting over it two weeks later. Interesting isn’t it!
Happy snacking 😀
This post was sponsored by Only In A Womans World.

