What is it about fruits and veggies that make them so wonderful for us? Beyond all the antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber, the phytonutrients that act as a plants immune system are proving to contain disease preventing superpowers. These plant based sterols act as precursors to human sterols like the vital hormones of the endocrine system. And when our hormones are working properly we can regulate, build and repair our cells properly.

Optimizing cellular function and giving you the extra bounce in your step.

So how can we make sure we are getting the full spectrum of phytonutrients? Munch a rainbow of fruits and veggies. The more colorful your meals the better. Aim to get all the colors of the rainbow into your day to reap the benefits.
While I’m not a supplement user (I’d rather pick, chose and commit to getting the raw fiber and nutrients by eating whole foods) for some people they just don’t have the time to plan and prepare all their meals. Like a multivitamin you now have the option to supplement phytonutrients.

nutrilite phytonutrients
How do you feel about taking pills or supplements in order to fill in the void of nutrients you may or may not be absorbing through your diet alone?

