These are the new core values I’m consciously choosing to serve as the foundation for my next chapter beginning NOW…


You see, my subconscious values, rules, and needs have been running the show until now.

This week I’ve peeled back the layers to get even more clear about what has been driving me so I can rewire my beliefs and rewrite my own story.

Though my original values served me for a period of time, they are not serving where I want to grow anymore.

So, I got super clear about my big goals and who I will need to become to get there.

Questions I Had to Ask Myself

  • What qualities do I need to invoke to be that person?
  • Where do my priorities need to be? What values and qualities are no longer serving?
  • How do I want to feel?
  • How do I want to show up in my work and relationships?

It was lots of self-inquiry.

It’s been a super deep and fun process to clarify and organize so now I can execute more effectively.

JP Sears and I took in these valuable lessons as we finished up our 5th day of Date with Destiny with Tony Robbins.

We’ve transformed SO much! I’m blown away by all we accomplished together during that intense week. It means the world to me to share this growth opportunity with him.

We were immersed for 15 hrs per day, getting back to our hotel by 2:30am in the morning, sleeping for a few hours and then back at it the next morning. I’m going to need a few days to catch up on sleep now that the conference is over, but it was beyond worth it!😂

⚡️What are your core values? Have you ever taken the time to get clear about what drives you and what qualities/values you need to create your dream life? Tell me all about it in the comments below!


Mega Doses of Pura Vida!

Amber Sears – Online Coaching, Retreats, & Training

