60 days and counting until Wilder arrives.

Though we already know he is very much with us… his powerful kicks keep me up most nights… We can’t wait to meet our little guy outside the womb.

We know our love for him will be beyond anything we have ever felt before. We also know our lives will change forever. So we are preparing as best we can for the transition knowing we can’t anticipate much until we are deep in it.


Today we are starting a HypnoBirthing workshop series for the next 6 weeks. I’m super excited to learn all about this technique!

I hear from many midwives, doulas, and mamas, that HypnoBirthing is a saving grace during labor and reduces the amount of push time. . As an avid meditator, I know I’ll love this approach to calming the mind and body during labor.

I signed us up for a pretty in-depth workshop series where JP will learn the method as well, so he can coach me to some extent during our home birth and keep himself calm.

Within these classes, they also teach us about breast feeding and other important aspects of caring for a newborn. Though I’ve read a ton of books already on the subject, I’m excited to learn more from the experts within a group environment.

My Takeaway

I LOVE being a student. I spend most of my days teaching, coaching, and creating, so it’s a breath of fresh air to be on the receiving end where I can soak it all in.

As my work slows down over the next two months I’m elated to have more time and space for being a student. I know Wilder will be my greatest teacher and I’m eager to learn from him.

Do you love being a student as well? What courses or classes are you currently taking that you adore? I’d love to hear from you!


Much Love,

Amber Sears

Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Training
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