REMEMBER who you are at the core.


  • Anyone told you who you “should” be.
  • You put limits on yourself.
  • You gave up on your dreams.

The passionate, creative, powerful, and purposeful soul you were born with is still there, buried under a web of fear, self-doubt, and programming you’ve accumulated throughout your life.

You are not alone. We all experience this to some degree. But NOW is the time to let that junk go because it’s not serving you or the impact you are here to make in the world at large.

So I wonder…

Where are you holding yourself back in your life and business? Deep down you already know. It’s time to take action.

What aspects of you are you unwilling to take a hard look at? These blindspots block your potential. Face yourself and process what arises. The only way out is through.

What feelings are you avoiding feeling? We do a lot of unnecessary and often self-destructive things to avoid feeling hard emotions. You’ve got to feel it to heal it.

Could you express yourself more unapologetically? Being yourself is your ultimate superpower and it attracts exactly what you desire.

Could you show up more fully and commit completely to your growth and expansion? The universe doesn’t respond to half-ass attempts. You must be all in.

Could you take more time off and create more space to BE more and do less? Within this space, we remember who we are. Being present is the key.

I know it’s not easy to reflect on this stuff sometimes. But it’s super necessary for the quantum growth leaps you desire in every area of your life.

Final Thoughts

I recently experienced a deep remembering of who I am and it brought tears to my eyes knowing how much I’ve been holding myself back unconsciously.

I realized how much I miss my jungle life and the person I was back then. The pain I was feeling stemmed from the deep knowing that I have been holding myself back from expressing fully in the ways I did back then.

I’ve learned the hard way that as the conscious creator of my reality when I’m not fully expressed, I suffer. So when I’ve forgotten who I am I ask myself the questions above. I hope they serve you too!


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

