One fine evening I was enjoying a sweet cup of peppermint tea when this commercial for high fructose corn syrup took over my TV screen…

“Are you f#$%ing kidding me!” Were the first words out of my mouth.

We might as well glamorize smoking, hydrogenated fats, and the health benefits of sitting on your butt all day! I just hope no one actually takes this commercial seriously or we are in a load of trouble.
Notice how it’s paid for by a corn association…what a cheap last ditch effort to salvage their reputation.
Still drinking soda and other highly processed foods? Learn why high fructose corn syrup is horrible for your health and the economy in this essay by Michael Pollen. Or see what Dr. Weil has to say about HFCS here. Oh yes and I can’t forget Michael Pollen’s article “Unhappy Meals” from the New York Times that opened the public’s eyes to the corn industry. Knowledge is power people!

