I’ve been a dancer ever since I can remember.

My mom took me to my first ballet class when I was 3 years old. I danced for the next 25 years through college and into a few professional companies in San Francisco until I moved to Costa Rica six years ago.

There I fell in love with Latin styles, danced throughout Central America, and experienced many ecstatic dances with world-renowned DJ’s.

It’s been an extremely beautiful and challenging journey ripe with acute and chronic injuries, and a five year battle with bulimia.

But, despite the many hurdles that threatened to sideline my passion and love for dance, I kept exploring, expanding, and expressing what words will never do justice.

Dance is the language of the soul after all.

My dance journey, through a wide array of techniques and styles, has led me full circle to Ecstatic Dance. A free form dance with no specific steps where you are free to move how you want to. Where you are free to express and feel whatever needs to come up. Dancers explore, play and flow into an ecstatic state of bliss! Think conscious, substance-free, dance club at any time of day. So fun!

Coming from such a structured dance background, I LOVE that ecstatic dance doesn’t have any steps. There is no right and wrong way to dance. You can get funky, weird, sexy, and wild with no judgment.

Ecstatic dance allows us all to tap into the wisdom of our bodies and spirits in an entirely new way. It’s a deep cathartic release of all the pent up emotional baggage we carry around unknowingly. Most importantly, it allows us to express ourselves fully mind, body, and spirit. Something we rarely experience in everyday life.

Ecstatic dance is now a big part of what I am offering to the world. I’m including it in all of my retreats, trainings, and workshops moving forward.

Just last night I had the pleasure of leading a group of 25 women through a series of songs at a powerful women’s circle in Austin, Texas. It was pure magic to witness the shifts in everyone!

Have you experienced Ecstatic Dance? Do you love to dance like me? Or is dance something that scares you a bit? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!


Much Love & Pura Vida!

Amber Sears

