Drum roll please….
Two months ago back in Sydney I decided writing in a travel journal was just not going to suffice. My head whirled with endless daily experiences and lessons learned with no way to get it all out in the detail I knew I would want years down the line.

Thus, Two Backpacks was born. A website platform that would allow me to share my adventures through pictures, writing, and most importantly video! I not only wanted to document my travels, but also aide and motivate others who dream to lead a mobile life. I could write for ages, but video speaks volumes. Here is my first podcast…
As I mentioned I would adore your feedback on my latest project and video ideas. Feel free to send me ideas and tips you would like to see covered in my podcasts and I will do my best to answer.
If you enjoyed this post and video please share with your friends through the millions of social network platforms. Thanks so much for your continued support. You all are so epic!

