“If booze, tar, or the sauna won’t help, the illness is fatal.”- Finnish proverb

While the Northern hemisphere wallows away in it’s sun drenched days of summer, you’ll find me desperately hugging the portable heater with bared teeth. You and your tan, moist skin. With all that weather induced sweating a sauna is probably the last thing on the brain, but take a deeper stab at the wood room from the Netherlands and discover it’s detoxing, immunity boosting and radiant health creating superpowers.

Here are just a few of the reasons why sauna’s should have a slot in your daily line-up all year round…

1.) Detoxing: Studies show that regular saunas combined with exercise therapy can efficiently clear organic chemicals solvents, drugs, pharmaceuticals even PCBs and heavy metals from the body.

2.) It’s A Heart Workout: During a 10-20 minute sauna session, your heart rate increases by 50-75%. This provides the same metabolic result as physical exercise. The increased cardiac load is the equivalent to a brisk walk. There is a nominal effect on blood pressure because the heat also causes blood vessels in skin to expand to accommodate increased blood flow.

3.) Glowing Skin: Blood vessels become more flexible and there is increased circulation to the extremities during a sauna. Blood flow to the skin increases to as high as 50-70% of cardiac output (compared to the standard 5-10%). This brings nutrients to subcutaneous and surface tissue resulting in glowing healthy skin.

4.) Immunity Boosting: When taking a sauna, skin temperature rises to 40�C (104�F) and internal body temperature rises to about 38�C (100.4�F). Exposure to the high heat creates an artificial fever state. Fever is part of the body�s natural healing process. Fever stimulates the immune system resulting in increased production of disease fighting white blood cells, antibodies and interferon (an anti viral protein with cancer fighting capability).

5.) Smooth Out Cellulite: Coupling massage with a good steam is used around the globe to loosen fatty tissue and assist in the battle against cellulite.

6.) Muscle and Stress Relief: Revives tired and strained muscles after physical exertion and reduces pain and stiffness associated with arthritis.

7.) Clears Lung Issues: Steam is an excellent holistic treatment for respiratory problems, such as; chest congestion, bronchitis, laryngitis and sinusitis. The main reason I head to the sauna as soon as a cold comes on!

The president of the Finnish Sauna Society suggests that, “The idea is not to have the best sauna on the block, but to get the entire block in the sauna.”

I personally adore saunas for meditation. A typically quiet (at least in America), warm environment where you can drain the body of toxins and mind of clutter. At one point I had worked up to 30 min meditation/mindfulness sessions 4x per week. Talk about endless energy and clarity. If only I had access all the time!

What is your experience with sauna’s? Are you one of those lucky souls who has one in house, or do you find yourself gasping for air after five minutes? Consider a second chance!

