It seems as though I am constantly trying to find balance in my life. Just when I think I have my schedule set and can fit everything in something gets thrown out of wack. Finding down time lately has been nearly impossible. Sound familiar?


 Now more than any other time in history people are working longer hours and trying to fit all they can into the short hours of the day. Meantime their home and personal life suffers which only leads to more stress. We all need time to meet up with friends, have alone time, and just simply relax.
Now we find ourselves in the midst of the holiday season, which adds another whole level of stress to our lives. I can think of no better time to re-evaluate our lives and seek true balance. Now is the time to make a change! Yeah more sleep!


Here are some insightful ways to help us all find balance:

1. Set Boundaries: Commit to not working on your days off. The computer allows us to keep working even over the weekends, but at some point we have got to put our foot down and pick and choose what is most important to our success and health.

2. Accept Less Than Perfection: This is a biggy for me. Everything doesn’t always need to be perfect. It’s more important to keep your sanity and just do the best you can.

3. Delegate: Learn to give tasks away when you can and ask for help when you need it.

4. Be Mindful: Living in the moment is key to getting more out of life. Enjoy that quick laugh at the water cooler and cherish the time you have with your loved ones.

5. Don’t Worry: Instead of dwelling on a situation, decide what needs to be done and implement it.

6. Accept What You Can’t Change: All you can do is your best.

7. Take A Breather: Between your various “to-do’s” take ten minutes to chat up an old buddy or just sit outside in the sun. Taking a breather is necessary downtime before you launch into another project or errand. You’ll be more effective and diligent once you get going afterward.

8. Focus On The Positive: Energy flows where attention goes; whatever you focus on expands, so banish that negative thinking. Try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones as they pop up in your internal talk.

9. Be Kind To Yourself: We are not robots, only human. Sometimes our biggest critics are ourselves.

10. Lead A Healthy Lifestyle: Eating healthy, exercising daily, and sleeping a full 7-8 hours a night is essential to a balanced lifestyle.

11. Choose Peace Over Chaos: Ask yourself, how important will this be in six months? It will help put things in perspective.

12. Stop complaining: If you don€t like things in your life change them.

13. Be The Change You Want To See: Want more peace at work? Be more peaceful. Want more fun? Be more fun. Remember, attitudes are contagious – positive or negative – others will catch them.

14. Dont Take Life So Seriously: Remember to laugh when things go wrong€ and right.

15. Be grateful: Count your blessings every day, realizing that there are countless others who have not enough to eat or a roof over their heads.