walking the dog at sunset
I’ve talked a lot about mindfulness here on Epic Self because I think it’s one of the only ways to truly enjoy life every moment. I mean can you really taste that ice cream if all your thinking about is the huge to-do list you have created for tomorrow? Or whole-heartedly sit at dinner with your significant other and actually listen and have fun in the moment without analyzing, second-guessing, etc… As I think back on the last meal I had with my boyfriend I see how truly disengaged I was.
With all of our fast paced lives it’s hard not to dwell on past memories or future events and stressors, but mindfulness is the only way to actually live. When we can’t get out of our heads we miss all that is right in front of us at that very moment in time. I sure don’t want to miss out on what life has to offer and I don’t think any of you do either. Here is a great way to inject some mindfulness into your day and boost your spirit.
walking the dog
Take Time For Your Pets: I can’t count the number of times I have seen people walking their dogs while talking on their cell or checking their email on their iphones. Can you blame them? The dog has got to go out and the person is strapped for time, yanking on the leash, hurrying the dog so as not to be late for work. Typical scenario, but this is prime time to lock that blackberry in the house and be present. I do this all the time! I walk in the house in a whirlwind of bags, mail, water bottles, and whatever stressed out mood I have developed, while my two cats sit patiently by the door until I finally notice them a half hour later.
cat playing xbox mindfulnessLesson Learned: When walking the dog really walk the dog. Clear your mind as you walk along the sidewalk or neighborhood. Take several slow breaths and truly see what is around you. Watch your dog and its cute antics. Throw a ball, give a treat, or a nice scratch and be aware of everything. Soon you’ll crave that “free” time where you can check out of all the chaos of life. Not to mention your dog will adore the love and attention.
When you get home from a long day at the office drop all your stuff at the door and greet your dog or cat like it usually greets you. This might actually mean getting on the floor! Enjoy the time you have with your pets. They don’t have any expectations, deadlines, or bills to throw at you. There is no doubt that petting and spending time with animals reduces stress, lowers your heart rate and will boost your spirit when you need it most.
Have fun and don’t miss out on all that is happening now!

