The purpose, meaning, and fulfillment you seek is found in the process you are avoiding.

Everyone wants the short cut, the quick fix, and the magic pill to bypass the real work, dedication, and perseverance required to reach their ultimate goals and dreams.

YES, you can quantum leap and expand rapidly with different tools, strategies, systems, and mindsets you receive from others… but walking the path step by step… making lots of mistakes, and learning lessons through experience is PRICELESS and necessary for long term change.

The path to ultimate clarity on your purpose begins with action. You can’t think or meditate your way there. No one can tell you what your purpose is.

Your purpose will become clear to you when you start taking steps, getting feedback, and figuring out what does and doesn’t resonate with you through trial and error.

So if you are struggling to find and do work that is meaningful, fulfilling, and on purpose, keep exploring.

Listen to what lights your heart upmost. Be willing to follow what excites you, even if it scares you at first. Jump in and get your hands dirty.

Remember, everything is figure-out-able. There are no limits to what you are capable of creating in your life and business. But know that the most rewarding and fulfilling things take time. They don’t happen overnight. They aren’t handed to you.

So be patient and compassionate with yourself as you grow. Do your best to enjoy the journey, because reaching your goals doesn’t matter if you aren’t fully alive and present for the journey.

Do you feel me?! Are you seeking more clarity on your purpose and path? What process are you avoiding? I’d love to hear from you!


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

