I woke up this morning in a funk. Over scheduled, stressed, sleep deprived with no chance to squeeze in a dance class, let’s just say my green smoothie wasn’t jazzing me. It’s days like these that I turn inward and check in with what’s really going on in my head.

Why do some days start with a bang of inspiration and energy, while others begin dim and out of reach? More importantly, how do I maintain a positive, motivated, ready to live life to the max spirit?
Below my thoughts flow like Niagra Falls. Tripping and sputtering over each other in a race to get out the most vital mindfulness tips I could muster. When it flows I let it go….so here it is raw, uncut and real.
 This is me getting real with you about motivation, mindfulness, and tapping the well of the body.

Highlights and Notes: (Just in case you can’t watch the whole video. I know it’s long and goes well beyond the attention span of the average web user, but what the hell. We have all become ADD. Exactly why we need more mindfulness in our lives :D. )

1.) Find balance. Way easier said then done. Our ego of maddening thoughts will literally drive us crazy unless we can learn to tune out through mindfulness. There is a duality going on in our brain between the ego and our true soul. The ego plays the devils advocate and will try to rule the roost and take the reins of life from your capable hands.

2.) The simplest way to find the yin to your yang lifestyle, flip the switch of negative, self defeating thoughts, and follow your hearts true desires is to find clarity through meditation or movement.

3.) I prefer tapping into the body. Think of the body as a well of energy, clarity and inspiration. This means any type of movement related activity. Could be playing a sport, shaking it on the dance floor, or walking to work. Feel your body from the inside out in order to tap your soul.

4.) The soul is where your true motivation and inspiration lies. Deep down you know that you should work up a sweat, eat nourishing food, and relax. Your body and soul knows, your brain has another agenda!

  5.) If you lack motivation and creativity then tap into your true presence. Take a class, be a student again, and focus the whole time. Drop your thoughts at the door like a coat and commit to your body and mind for the hour.

6.) Just move! If you want to lose weight, tone up or just feel good through exercise, but have a hard time getting your booty off the couch, start by moving. Seriously, get up and dance around! Here are more random ways to get movement into your day. Once your body feels these good vibes your brain will be forced to shut up. 

7.) The easiest way to get into the mindfulness habit is to start your day by tapping the well of the body. Here’s a quick series of stretches to build your awareness first thing in the morning. 

8.) This is our persistent challenge. Self motivation is a bitch, but we can use how to guides and techniques. Can you shut off the chatter box ego? More importantly can you listen and act upon what you find when you tap in?
Ideas on mindfulness from you all?

