Asian flavor profiles are among some of my favorite flavors which is why I love sushi so much. However, the rice can sometime make it so heavy and the fish is sometimes not fresh or is not sustainable.  Even without the fish, sushi can be delicious and easy to make at home. 

These rolls are power houses! The turmeric makes the “rice” a beautiful golden color and adds lots of inflammatory properties while the nori is great for the health of your thyroid.

This is a great recipe to make with friends or with kids, since everyone can customize their rolls to their liking.

Serves 8 large rolls 

1 large head of cauliflower
1 tablespoon turmeric
Juice of 1 lime
Apple cider vinegar, to taste


Process the cauliflower in the food processor until rice like. Set it aside in a bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. Massage.

1 cup of sesame
1 handful of cilantro
1/2 of a zucchini
1 inch slice of ginger, halved
Wasabi powder, to taste
Dash of apple cider vinegar

Blend all ingredients. Set aside.

2 large avocados, sliced
1 carrot, cut into sticks
1 cucumber, cut into sticks
1 red pepper, cut into sticks
Other veggies as desired
8 nori sheets
Bowl with water


To assemble:

Lay nori sheet flat. Spoon sauce and spread on 1/2 of the sheet. Layer rice, veggies and avocado. Dip finger tips in water and wet the inner 1/8 of the top of the sheet. Roll veggie side and gently press the wet side to seal. Cut in half with a wet, sharp knife.


Serve with extra sauce, wasabi paste, or coconut aminos. Dip and enjoy!

