Now you can have your cheesecake guilt-free with this Nut-free Raw Vegan Pineapple Coconut Vegan Cheesecake Recipe. We also had a ton of  fun making it! We got our women power on strong and cracked open 5 whole coconuts. It sure had us breaking out in a sweat! Cracking open the coconuts were a bit labor intensive but the fresh coconut meat is definitely worth the trouble. Other than getting the fresh coconut meat, this recipes is incredibly easy and fast to make. Best of all you don’t need to cook it as well!

We wanted to make a light, fluffy and good for you version of a typically mucus-forming, gut-disturbing dessert.  That’s right, I said it! Don’t get me wrong. I use to love the contemporary cheesecake, but it definitely was not good for my health nor my waistline. Now you can have it guilt-free. We’ve topped this delicious combo with strawberries, kiwi, coconut oil mixed with raw cocoa powder and cocoa nibs. What types of toppings/flavours do you like with your cheesecake! Leave me a message in the comment box. You may just inspire me to whip up my next dessert recipe!  Enjoy 🙂

Serving size = 6 servings


  • 4-6 dates, soaked until very soft
  • 1 cup dried organic, unsweetened coconut
  • 1 tsp  honey
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil


Place soften dates and all other ingredients in a food processor and process until well blended. Texture should be like macaroons. Place into a baking/servings cups  and pat it down to your desired crust thickness.


  • 2 1/2 cups young Thai coconut flesh (about 5 young coconuts)
  • 1/4 cup coconut water (from the coconuts)
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1 cup coconut oil, softened
  • 2 cups shredded fresh pineapple chunks

Optional toppings: Sliced strawberries, kiwi or peaches, drizzled coconut oil mixed with cocoa powder or cocoa nibs or anything really you may like!


Place your coconut flesh and coconut water into a blender or vitamix and pureé until smooth. Add the honey and coconut oil. Blend until very smooth. Stir in your shredded pineapple until incorporated. Pour mixture over your crust and let set in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Move to the cheesecake to your freezer and leave it in until its firm. Take out the cheesecakes from the freezer about 10 to 15 minutes before serving to defrost at room temperature. Once defrosted, flip cups over onto a serving plate of choice and add your desired toppings. enjoy!


