There comes a time when the same old routine just isn’t doing it for you anymore. It’s like your body is physically present on earth, but your soul is buried beneath the layers of hidden energy within waiting to be released. You know you are blessed with the infinite capability to be who your meant to be but the midst of your fears are holding you back.  Awakening your inner goddess comes from a state of wanting more for yourself,  finding the strength from within and loving yourself unconditionally. You realize its time to stop wishing for happiness to come galloping your way, but instead dig deep beneath the layers and create it from within.  And that’s exactly what I started doing.

Today I let go of self limiting beliefs, the past and embark on a personal growth journey of self discovery, self love and an adventure of a life time that will forever change me. Despite the hardships and challenges that I have been through, they have all taught me life lessons and have shaped the women I am today. I am excited to step outside my comfort zone, leap into the unknown and learn about who I am and why I have been placed on this beautiful planet.  I am tired of being comfortable and fearing the unknown. Life is about living outside your comfort zone and that is exactly what I plan to do from this day forward. I am so grateful to be given this BEAUTIFUL OPPORTUNITY to begin this exploration of self in Costa Rica , fall in love with the unknown and most importantly myself.

Keep an eye on this space as I share my journey on the road to finding my inner goddess. I may not have a road map and I may not know exactly where I am going but something tells me Im headed in the right direction.

