I walk into his nursery and hold his baby shoes dreaming of the moment we get to cuddle and gaze into each other’s eyes for the first time. The love affair is already well underway, and I’m ready to do what’s necessary to raise this future leader.

Now that I’m feeling Wilder actively kick and move around every day, it’s becoming even more real that there’s a little human on his way to this realm.

What a BLESSING to carry life and experience the gift of ushering a soul into this world. I’m very much looking forward to the birth. I’m excited and ready for the challenge.

But with the immense joy and excitement, comes the worry…

What kind of world will Wilder be stepping into?

Will he have the same freedoms we’ve all had the privilege of growing up in?

Will we create the best environment to support his soul’s mission and purpose?

What do I need to do now to ensure this future leader is set up for the best possible life I can offer?

In a world full of so much uncertainty, all I can depend on, and trust, is our willingness to do whatever it takes to ensure a bright future for this little guy.

The work we do today within ourselves, our marriage, and communities will lay the foundation for all future generations.

So, we must choose wisely and dare greatly.

JP Sears and I are completely down for the work ahead of us as leaders and know it will be worth every ounce of effort.

The world we are actively engaged in creating is one full of freedom, justice, equality, compassion, and play.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

We are the leaders we wish we had. And we must raise the leaders we want to have in the future.

We are our own gurus and healers.

We are the change if we consciously choose to claim it and rise up NOW.

My mothering instincts are kicking in, and I completely understand why so many mothers become powerful change makers leading the way to a better tomorrow. I honor and deeply respect each and every one of you!

I take this responsibility seriously, and at the same time, I don’t want to stress or worry too much. Too much stress doesn’t serve anyone.

I’m thoroughly enjoying how JP and I are connecting on deeper levels than I thought possible as we prepare for and co-create our next big chapter together. The way he looks at me when he feels Wilder kick melts my heart.

Much Love,

Amber Sears
Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Trainings
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