I successfully and happily completed my first week of being raw vegan.

Part of the draw to the Epic Self 30 Day Fellowship program was the emphasis on nutrition and movement. So many of us entrepreneurs push and push, fueling ourselves on bars and carb, grabbing whatever we can to eat and rarely sticking to our workout schedules. Everything in our businesses takes precedence. But without the main machine running – our body – how do we believe we can affect change and inspire people?


So with an open heart I walked into the house on Monday afternoon surrendering my beloved eggs and dark chocolate and ready to make the plunge into a raw, vegan lifestyle.


It was easier than I thought. The abundance (under statement) of beautiful, fresh, organic produce made my heart leap. The cabinet full of super foods – including cacao! – made me smile. The food and nutrition knowledge Amber houses made me elated. And after an entire week, here is what I have learned.


  1. It is NEVER ok to feel hungry or feel deprived
    Why do we equate being hungry with burning calories. Our bodies need fuel to burn the weight and we have to eat. And when we eat the right foods we can eat a lot of food at one time. Goodbye portion control and dreaming of snack time! Hello tasty foods like onion rings, banana nice-cream, and coconut cake balls.


  1. My body is energized
    The days are long at the EpicSelf compound. From hikes, 90 minute yoga sessions, building a business, learning a business, and showering several times a day, it’s a go, go, go speed. Yet as I rise every morning at 6 am I am refreshed and ready to start the day. Gone is the need to hit snooze and the brain fog.


  1. Plants ARE powerhouses
    I’ve always known this to be true but I’ve never really understood it. Yes, I’ve always found it easy to get more than 5 servings of fruits and veggies in my diet every day, but this is different. It is eating 3 – 4 servings a meal, plus amping up the volume with super foods. The protein and calories are clean, turning the food into power.


  1. My body feels so good
    For the first time in a while I’ve said “bye, bye bloat”. My skin is clearing up. My muscles feel stronger. I’ve already seen a difference in my body. I cannot wait to see how it continues to change in the next 3 weeks.


  1. With anything, its who is alongside of you on your journey
    The support in the house is amazing and I would be out eating if I didn’t have that. I also have an incredible team who are liking my photos and asking me what I am eating every day. Their curiosity gives me pride in what I am doing, and I hope I will be able to instill my knowledge to empower their food choices in the future.

Yes, raw vegan can be daunting but I encourage you to take the plunge. There are a ton of tools and recipes out there to make all of us fall in love with our kale again and be successful, plant-fueled, powerhouses.


