I thought I knew what my purpose was…

Then I became a mama.

Now it’s SO much bigger and better than I ever could have imagined.

The last few weeks I’ve been trying to get clear about how I will be moving forward in my business and purpose-driven work.

For the last 13 years of running my company, I’ve been extremely passionate about helping people heal, awaken and transform into the highest version of themselves in life and business.

It’s been super rewarding and fulfilling on every level. For years I’ve woken up every morning eager to make an impact and serve to the best of my ability. I’ve had the honour of teaching thousands of people around the world.

That work will continue, but now there is one more big piece to my mission on Earth… pouring my whole heart and soul into raising Wilder and any future kiddos.

It’s honestly been super challenging to figure out how these purposes weave together well.

The one thing I’ve decided is that I will only be going back to work 10 – 15 hrs per week during Wilders first year. Which means I will only be taking on five 1:1 business coaching clients beginning in early March.

As a soul-powered entrepreneur, who LOVES my work tremendously, this was surprisingly an easy decision.

Being a mama has changed EVERYTHING.

There is no greater feeling in my book. The unconditional love I feel every day with our little guy continues to blow my mind.

I now wake up super excited to serve him at the highest level and that means giving him my time and full presence.

I know I will never regret taking this time to be with him. The growth of my business, though incredibly important, can wait.

I will no longer sacrifice myself or my family for work. That’s an old workaholic pattern that’s taken me years to break.

Doing less and BEING more is my priority. Enjoying the journey, instead of rushing to the finish line, is my focus and intention for 2021.

What is your primary intention for 2021? I’d love to hear from you!



Much Love,

Amber Sears

Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

