My Top 6 Parenting Lessons Thus Far.

We’ve been parents for a full 2 months now and I learn SO much every day.

I’m a humble beginner in all things baby, so it’s been a fast and furious growth spurt for me

Top 6 Key Lessons

Below are the top 6 key lessons I’ve picked up along the path. Perhaps they’ll serve you!

  1. Be as present, patient, and calm as possible. Especially during the most challenging moments.
  2. Release all plans, expectations and assumptions. Adaptability and problem solving are vital to an infant.
  3. Listen to my intuition and trust my gut. Take the tools I’ve learned from the books and see what works for Wilder. Every baby is unique.
  4. Communicate my wants, needs and boundaries about parenting responsibilities clearly to @awakenwithjp. Keep the dialogue open around how things are shifting as Wilder grows.
  5. Schedule in self-care time daily and date nights weekly to keep our cups full so we can be the best for Wilder. Hire the nanny support we need to do this.
  6. Accept that priorities in life are much MUCH different now and embrace the changes. Decide what I will and won’t sacrifice and make a clear, but loose plan moving forward.

What would you add to this list? What was your biggest lesson as a new parent? I’d love to hear from you!

P.S – Wilder rolled over for the 1st time yesterday during tummy time! I can’t believe I got it on camera. These little milestones are so special.


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

