I’m beyond elated to share that my brand new podcast, Soul Powered, launched last week!

Over the last several months I’ve gathered incredible deep dive conversations with some of the most heart-centered, soul powered, super successful female entrepreneurs I know. And we aim to assist you with your personal and professional expansion.

My Soul Powered Podcast is designed to help you create your dream holistic lifestyle, and purpose-driven business, that’s deeply fulfilling and aligned with your soul’s unique calling.

In this podcast, I dive deep into the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual work that’s required for massive growth in your unique business.

I share the business skills, tools, and systems that have helped me grow my multiple-six-figure online business and transform thousands of lives over the last decade.

I also feature leading experts in holistic health, business, peak performance, and lifestyle design. They share their real stories and provide action steps you can immediately implement into your life & business.

You’ll definitely want your notebook to write down the gems of wisdom you’ll receive from each episode.

What Can You Expect in Soul Powered Episode 1?

Within my first 60 min podcast, I share WHY I felt it was super important to create this podcast for aspiring and established entrepreneurs. I also share my unique journey to get to this point in my personal and professional development.

But, this podcast isn’t just for entrepreneurs. It’s for anyone who desires to live more fully on purpose & design their ideal holistic lifestyle.

We talk business, but we also talk at length about spirituality, self-care rituals, fitness, nutrition, mindset, emotional intelligence, plant medicine, manifestation, & healing from trauma. As you will learn, all of these things are key components to living a deeply fulfilling & meaningful life you love.

I can’t wait to hear your feedback!

During this launch phase, I’ll be dropping one podcast per day for the next four days.

If you like what you hear, please subscribe & share with those who you know would benefit from the wisdom shared.

CLICK HERE to listen and subscribe now! Let me know what you think!


Much Love,

Amber Sears
Epicself.com – Online Coaching, Retreats, & Trainings

