My wild jungle goddess is back full force! I’m unbelievably GRATEFUL to be back in the gorgeous land of Costa Rica. I feel more ME here than anywhere else in the world.

There is something magical about the vibration of the jungle and the beach that reminds me of who I am at the core. My wild inner Amber comes out to play in a big way and I feel more creative, limitless, centered, mentally clear, and grounded.

I’m soaking in every moment and pumped to meet all of my retreat guests today! I love seeing their eyes light up in excitement as we explore this stunning environment together.

Costa Rica is straight up like the movie, Avatar. No joke.

Tonight I welcome my Epic Awakening Retreat group to Posada Natura for an incredible deep dive healing journey to the heart.

We have the privilege of working with two phenomenal Curanderos from the Shipibo tradition within our Ayahuasca ceremonies. I can’t wait for this group to experience the galactic healing and awakening they are about to feel.

Beyond the deep healing work, we are adventuring around the Central Pacific zone to a few of my favorite spots, like Manuel Antonio National Park and Nauyaca Waterfalls. We are also planting trees with Community Carbon Trees Costa Rica. I’m beyond stoked!

My heart is full of immense gratitude. Nothing feels better than working and living on purpose in this way. What a blessing to have found this path.

If you want to join me and awaken your inner jungle god/goddess, join me on a future retreat!


Lots of Love & Pura Vida!

Amber Sears – Online Coaching, Retreats, & Trainings

