Pregnancy is teaching me how to embody and express my divine feminine essence more fully than ever before. Something I didn’t anticipate in the unfolding of this metamorphosis.


Growing up as a dancer I learned how to move in a very graceful etheric way thanks to ballet, but I was never the girly girl.

I lived with my hair up in a messy bun, never put on makeup, wore activewear 24/7, and rarely put on a dress or got dolled up.

Even when I left my professional dance career behind and moved to Costa Rica I continued with my tomboy ways.

Living in the jungle where you sweat through your clothes in 30 mins meant I lived in bikinis and activewear. Make-up was pointless because it just sweats off.


During the 1st trimester of my pregnancy, I was living in sweats and whatever was comfortable because I felt so horrible with morning sickness. But as I transitioned into my 2nd trimester everything shifted.

All of a sudden I was drawn to dresses, wanted to wear light makeup every day, adopt a better skincare regime, and basically express the feminine essence I was feeling emerge in me through clothing.

I’m learning how to adorn and honor myself in ways I never cared to before… goddess style.

My self-care practices and rituals have doubled. I spend more time taking care of my body now than I have over the last 35 years.

I find myself being more nurturing, compassionate, and empathetic. I’m also learning how to set and uphold stronger boundaries, which I think will really serve me as a mom.

If you’ve checked my IG stories lately, you know I’m officially nesting like crazy organizing every nook and cranny of our home! This whole process is fascinating to me! I’m truly enjoying the inner evolution that’s underway.

I’m deeply moved by the power of becoming a mom. Wilder isn’t even here yet, but I can feel how he is already teaching me an entirely new way of doing and being in the world. What a blessing!


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

