Do you find the silver lining and learn lessons from even the “worst” experiences?

It’s a powerful mindset you can master that will save you from SO much frustration and burnout.

Cultivating a mindset that allows me to find the positive in any given scenario, and ultimately grow from it, has radically changed the quality of my life and how I do business. It’s been a saving grace in my most challenging times.

Lessons Learned

When my website got hacked and I lost a year’s worth of content. I learned I needed to back up my site every week and install security plugins.

When I launched a retreat and it didn’t fill, so I was forced to cancel it and lost the deposit I had invested… I learned how to set proper policies and do better marketing.

When I had to fire a coaching client who wasn’t the right fit for me and my work… I learned how to qualify my clients with a system and say no to a business that didn’t align.

The list goes on and on…

Every time I “failed” I was really learning exactly what I need to know at that time to do better in the future. But had I seen these obstacles as a reason to quit, I would have given up a decade ago. Do you feel me?

Final Thoughts

How you cope mentally and emotionally with the inevitable ups and downs of running a business is paramount to your success.

Do you see the glass half full, half empty, or are you grateful to have a glass? The choice is always up to you!

Whatever you do, DON’T GIVE UP. Pivot, adjust, evolve, and grow. But don’t look back. You aren’t going that way. Your dreams are too important for you to settle for anything less.

When was the last time you “failed” or had something go wrong, but it turned out to be perfect for your growth in hindsight? I’d love to hear from you.


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

