Proof that a women’s body is pure magic…

Wilder was born more than a couple of weeks ago today & I’m in utter shock at how fast my body is returning to its normal size.

Since the beginning of my pregnancy journey, I was excited to see what my body was capable of…

How quickly would my bump grow? What kind of symptoms would I experience? How much weight would I gain? How big would my baby be? What foods would I avoid & crave? How would my body handle labour? How fast would I recover?

It was all a great mystery that I was excited to experience.

On the other side of the birth

After a week of breastfeeding & laying horizontally most of the day to heal, I’m completely blown away at the wisdom of my body. It’s known exactly what to do every step of this wild journey.

I remember back in my twenties, one of my primary fears about having kids was around what would happen to my body.

Not knowing anything about the process & my own body, I was afraid I would never feel or look the same.

All I heard were women telling me…

“Your body will never be the same” or “Enjoy your flat abs now because pregnancy will ruin them.”

Luckily, I didn’t listen & decided to do more research on what truly happens in a women’s body during pregnancy. I also chose to spend time with women who had positive mindsets & experiences.

I learned that everybody is unique in how it handles pregnancy. Everybody & every pregnancy are different. I learned that our bodies are not only capable of growing & birthing a 7-10 lbs human, but can also shrink back to their normal size if taken care of well.

My focus during this postpartum period is to rest & heal first & foremost, despite my eagerness to get back to the gym. Movement is my medicine!

I’m in no rush to “get my body back.” I trust that it knows exactly what it’s doing & all I need to do is get out of its way.

My point in sharing all of this is to empower all women everywhere to love, trust & honour their unique bodies. To revel in the magic of what it means to be a woman. To be grateful for the gift & opportunity to carry life into this world.

You are LIMITLESS & POWERFUL beyond belief!

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

