I vividly remember the first few months we were getting to know each other over Skype.

I was so excited and nervous waiting for our calls. The butterflies were REAL, and I was doing everything in my power to stay cool despite my giddiness.

There I was living out my dream in a small beach town in Costa Rica. Immersed in the jungle, leading shamanic retreats, drinking ayahuasca, and helping people heal.

There he was traveling around the U.S on his book tour, creating viral comedy videos, wearing pink cheetah yoga pants, and living in Charleston, SC.

I remember thinking, “How are we going to make this work? What if he doesn’t accept me and my “alternative” way of living? Will he respect my need to continue to stay on purpose with my business and lifestyle? Will he honor my desire to travel A LOT and live in other cultures?”

I remember the conversation where I thoroughly explained what I do and how I intend to live my life so deeply connected to spirit, nature, and community.

I was waiting for him to reject me but was unwilling to waiver on what mattered to me most.

Thankfully, he said, “Awesome! Tell me more. How can I support you?”

Over the last two years, we’ve figured out a way to weave our VERY different lives together. We’ve respected, honored, and supported each other’s dreams while building a new dream together.

And while it hasn’t been easy on our hearts to be away from each other so frequently, nothing feels better than knowing your beloved ALWAYS has your back.


So, how did we figure it all out?

I’m beyond elated to share my first podcast with my husband, JP Sears! We dive deep together and pull back the curtain on our relationship. We share many of our challenges and how we overcome them, and we offer up our best advice for creating a powerful and sacred union.

If you didn’t know already, JP has a fantastic podcast where he gifts us in-depth conversations with leading experts in the self-development space. I highly recommend you subscribe and listen often. SO many gems in each conversation!

Click HERE to listen to our conversation, and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments below!

Blessings & Pura Vida!

Amber Sears

