What does a conscious relationship nowadays look and feel like to you? Love constantly evolves as we do. In our modern society, it can be so easy to disconnect from ourselves and from our relationships.

For that reason, it has become harder for people to have and maintain conscious relationships.

So, I’m here to ask you… Which qualities do you consider when looking for a partner? What would you like to cultivate in your current relationship? What could allow you both to enjoy, grow, and unconditionally love each other more fully?

In line with this, I recently read a fabulous article on mindbodygreen titled, The 4 Qualities Of A Conscious Relationship. It dropped truth after truth about how the old paradigm is radically shifting. People no longer find satisfaction in love. Thus, they don’t know how to make a relationship work.

The article defined a conscious relationship amazingly. 

“A romantic relationship in which partners feel committed to a sense of purpose, and that purpose is growth. Individual growth. Collective growth as a couple. Growth that makes the world a better place.”

YES. Brilliant!

Below are the four qualities the author outlined and a few of my own.

Above all, the conscious couple…

  • Is not attached to the outcome of the relationship – growth comes first.
  • Commits to owning their energy – wounds, triggers, and emotions.
  • Welcomes all feelings and condemns no internal process. Radical honesty, transparency, and listening.
  • Recognizes the relationship as a place to practice love. Practice acceptance, being present, forgiveness, and being vulnerable.
  • Each sets and holds healthy personal boundaries and respects the other’s personal boundaries as well.
  • Supports and empowers each other in their unique gifts, passions, and grandest purpose.
  • Works toward a balance of the divine masculine and divine feminine powers within the relationship.
  • And they are not concerned about fitting into societal molds. Marriage, kids, and homeownership are not required for their happiness and union.

So, how do your relationships align with this? What would you add to this list?

With that said, I’m ridiculously grateful to play and grow within the most conscious relationship I have ever experienced with JP Sears. It does exist, and you do deserve it.

So, how do your relationships align with this? What would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments below!

Lots of Love & Pura Vida!

Amber Sears

