We LOVED this dish.  Sitting out in our easy chairs in the Costa Rican jungle, we couldn’t have been happier.  Come join us on our January Epic Awakening Retreat – connect with your true nature!


Right, back to the recipe, sorry seriously inspired here!


This Italian Pasta dish was just mouthwatering, and the taste lingered. It was the best raw pasta I’ve had.





2 Zucchinis – spirialized


Neapolitan Sauce

1 1/2 Onions – white or red

6 Ripe Tomatoes

Good Slug of Cold Pressed Olive Oil

Handful Fresh Basil

1/4 tsp each of Salt, Garlic Salt, Pepper and Italian herb


‘Cheese Dressing’ – optional

1 Avocado

Dash of Garlic Salt



Spirilize the zucchini. Set aside as is, if you like to keep it as raw as possible.  If you prefer a real Italian ‘warm’ feeling, add a splash of cold pressed olive oil and salt, and massage with your fingers.  Drain any excess fluid prior to serving.


To make the sauce – add onions, tomatoes, olive oil and seasonings to the food processor.  Blend until creamy, but still slightly chunky. Taste and add seasonings as required.  Add fresh basil and pulse.


Smash the avocado in a bowl on the side. Add a splash of garlic salt.


Lay zucchini noodles in a bowl.  Top with fresh sauce and avocado. Add a sprig of basil for presentation.

Serves 4.


Buen Provecho!




