It’s way more simple than you think. Inspiration, creativity, and insight don’t come when we are rushing around, checking off tasks, and trying to meet unrealistic superhuman expectations. So stop over complicating it.

The clarity and insight we seek flows through us when we make space to slow down, get quiet, and do nothing.

It comes when we are fully present BEING, not doing. When we gift ourselves space to meander, wander, and explore without a plan or agenda.

Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, frazzled, and unclear on your next steps?

Pause to reconnect to your passionate heart and all-knowing spirit. Go inward instead of seeking answers externally.

Take a day off, play with friends, move your body, make space to dream and imagine. This is where all the magic happens. When you are vibrating at a high-frequency soaking in every moment.

People ask me all the time how I stay inspired, motivated, and clear on my path. My answer is SO simple… I take the necessary space and time to BE present with myself. I only consume things that inspire and empower me. I cut out the noise and stay focused on what I’m creating.

⚡️When was the last time you got an epic “download” of creativity and insight about your life or business? What mental, physical, and emotional state were you in when it came to you? I’d love to hear from you!


Sincerely Yours,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Trainings
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!
Check out my 1:1 Biz Coaching

