Two days before we found out the gender of our baby I had a dream where I met Wilder face to face for the first time and called him by his name.

It’s rare that I remember my dreams, but I woke up that morning and rushed over to JP to tell him what I saw.

In my dream, I was wandering around alone in a big house. I didn’t recognize the house but felt the call to go upstairs.

I walked into a nursery and looked over at the bathroom sink. Sitting there on the counter was a smiling baby in a diaper bouncing away in a bouncy seat.

I walked over, saw his round chubby cheek face with blue eyes in crystal clear clarity, picked him up to cuddle, looked in the mirror and said “Wilder, why are you here all by yourself? Let’s go downstairs and play!”

Spiritual Visit

The rest of the dream I didn’t remember, but I was shocked by a few things. I don’t remember faces in my dreams unless they are people I’ve known in my life. I also have never had a baby or babies in my dreams. This was a first for many reasons.

I was super excited to finally have a baby show up in dreamland but also confused because JP and I were convinced we were having a girl. We had discussed two boy names we loved just in case. Wilder was our favourite of the two.

That morning I said to JP…”It’s so weird that the baby in my dream was a boy because we are totally having a girl.”

The next morning we got the news that we were having a boy. We both laughed and I said… “well of course his name will be Wilder!”

The crazy part is now when I see Wilder bouncing in his bouncy seat it’s like de ja vu every time. His round face with blue eyes and wide smile is exactly who I saw in my dream. His nursery now is the nursery I saw in the dream prior to even designing that space.

In the dream I remember thinking…he looks like a cartoon character! So bubbly, round, chubby, and adorable.

The Wilder you see in these two pictures is the face structure I saw in that dream.

It’s unreal how our spirit babies show up in our lives before they enter this realm. I’ve heard very similar stories from other mamas. What a gift!

The photo was captured by @melissarobinphoto


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

