Do you eat the same thing everyday? As I massaged my kale salad at lunch today I looked at the chopping block and realized I had been making the same salad for over a week.

Different dressings, spices, and herbs, but basically the same staple veggies. It’s so easy to fall into a rut when making meals. You know what tastes scrumptious, can be prepared quickly, and fuels you, but end up eating the same thing day in and day out. It’s safe, secure, and plain dull.
While simple is usually better, when it comes to the body variety is essential to longevity, optimal nutrient absorption and sanity! You won’t stick to eating healthy if it lacks taste and pizazz. Time to become a mad scientist and experiment!

One of my number one rules is to eat a rainbow of veggies daily. Not only is it more visually appealing and satisfying, but munching rainbows will give you a broad spectrum of phytonutrients, enzymes and energy not found in white/processed foods.
Making a conscious choice to incorporate unique fruits and veggies into your diet will keep the flame alive and you dedicated to eating better. When it comes to veggies several clients of mine complain about texture, lack of taste…blah blah blah…you just have to stop drizzling them with cheese and actually taste the raw produce!
One of my favorite things about hitting up the farmers market every week is trying the latest seasonal produce fresh off the farm. You never know what you’ll find.

  Experimenting doesn’t have to cost you your life savings either! Lately I’ve fallen in love with watercrest! Yes the weed! Weeds are actually incredibly high in nutrients. There’s a reason they out live most plants and spread like wild fire.

Here are a few of my most recent random and delicious additions:
watercrest, quinoa tempeh, various types of seaweeds, yerba mate tea, and Brazil nuts.

Seaweeds are the rockstar of the group. Each variety tastes completely different and can be used in hundreds of unique recipes. Seaweeds also harbor minerals and nutrients that simply don’t exist in land plants. Use it to salt a meal versus using processed table salt. I love to make raw wraps with nori and munch wakame salads!

What have you experimented with lately? Sometimes you try something and decide you hate it no matter how many antioxidants or omega-3’s it contains. What have you tried that you can’t live without? Experimentation is so fun!
In my last post we chatted about how important our intestinal gut flora is to proper nutrient absorption. If you have yet to try adding more probiotics to your diet to ease digestion you can jump start the process by trying a yogurt like Dannon Activia which is full of friendly bacteria.
Because I don’t eat dairy for a slew of reasons, I stick with fermented foods that are low in sugar.

