The amount of inner personal work it takes to maintain a happy and passionate marriage is no joke.

From pink cheetah yoga pants to marrying in the redwoods, to adventures around the globe, to settling in our dream home in Austin. And, finally, feeling our little boy kick inside my belly…

It’s been one wild and fun ride with @awakenwithjp over the last 3.5 years. And I know our next chapter of parenthood will top them all.

As we get closer and closer to my due date, we’ve come together in ways I’ve only dreamed of before.

I’ve never been more proud of our communication and support for each other. All thanks to our wonderful relationship coach and this pregnancy.

I severely underestimated the amount of time, energy, and prioritization it takes prior to tying the knot. But I’m SO glad I’ve learned new tools and techniques. It had effectively served our union in all the ways we’ve been wanting.

Debunking Old Beliefs

Hiring a relationship coach has been a HUGE game changer. Our coach masterfully guides us through each of our personal patterns and gives us each unique homework to practice.

I’m not ashamed to talk about our decision to hire a relationship coach to help us be better together. In the past, I would have been…

I used to think successful marriages just magically happened when the right two people meet and that asking for help is a bad sign and “should” only be deployed as a last-ditch effort to save the marriage.

This is an old crappy program that’s complete BS.

Most of us have learned what marriage is supposed to be from our parents, friends, family, the media, and the unique cultures we grew up in.

Here in the U.S, we were not taught in schools, or by our parents, how to have deeply fulfilling and rewarding long-term relationships. Which is tragic and needs to change ASAP.

Final Thoughts

The communication and emotional intelligence tools necessary to do so, we are only now learning as adults because we are seeking it out.

JP and I love each other too much to let a lack of skills get in the way of our future, so we are dedicated to learning the tools and practicing them daily until we see the shifts we want.


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

