The pink and red foil wrapped chocolates have sat on the market shelf for over a month now. Crimson roses and jewelry advertisements blanket our psyche. Yes, the Hallmark induced love bird holiday is upon us. And while some will be celebrating with their hubbies and partners, me and the other wild single souls will be dancing at a raging mass pillow fight while gobbling down coconut chocolate balls.

Random, I know. Every year San Francisco holds a massive public pillow fight in celebration of the gooey love day. Instead of slurping down champagne and chocolate dipped berries, you can choose to let your hair down, grab an eco friendly pillow, smack your neighbor over the head with it, all while savagely dancing to house beats in a mob of hundreds. As someone who doesn’t have a “someone” in my life at the moment I’ll be attending the madness!

Here’s a clip of last years “fight.”

I personally have reclaimed the day for self love, appreciation and acceptance. And while I can deal with watching couples stroll along park paths hand and hand or nuzzle noses over dinner, I can’t go through a Valentine’s day without some chocolate. Thus, raw vegan chocolate coconut balls and a sappy love film find a slot on my V-day event schedule. Averie, offers up her quick and scrumptious recipe below:

Averie’s Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snow Balls
1.5 cups shredded coconut
3/4 c maple syrup (or agave to be technically raw)
3/4 c cocoa powder
Dash Vanilla Extract
Optional: 1/4 c coconut oil (I used it and encourage it!)
Optional: 1/4 c chia seeds (learn why chia seeds rock my world and might turn you into a warrior)

Mix all the ingredients together and pop it into the freezer. When you want to munch just scoop out a ball and let it sit for a few minutes to soften up. Easy peasy.

Whether you are flying solo or hitched, I know you’ll all love a coco ball. What are your plans for Valentines Day? Are pillows and chocolate involved? They better be!

Recommendations on the chick flicks? I’m going with Love Actually, or He’s Just Not That Into You (love this movie…so true!)

