Last night I walked the runway.As I teetered down the long slick wood hallway in a pair of borrowed black heels, it hit me. A rush of enthusiasm and chills I rarely feel outside the dance studio. Sitting in hair and make-up for three hours, learning the perfect mid runway swivel and stunner pose, getting fitted and mingling with a group of professional creatives was something I never thought I’d experience. Who the hell do I think I am? Wasting a potentially “productive” Thursday evening waltzing in vintage garb for some professional snap shots? A woman who is damn sick of being serious.

The longer I settle back home in San Francisco the more I am beginning to unravel how I’ve changed from my solo globe trotting escapades. As someone who vehemently swears off all forms of self esteem depleting media like fashion magazines and trash MTV shows, I never wanted to model. Never wanted to be apart of an industry full of ego, self deprecating criticism and judgment. I never wanted the added pressure to be thinner, fitter, etc. I already had enough of that pressure from the dance and pilates/fitness world. And after years of perfecting awareness techniques to shatter poor body image, I’ve kicked it up a notch recently. Allowing myself to let go of a lot of preconceive notions about myself, and reality. Instead of looking at modeling as a creative outlet that actually really compliments the emotional body expression I adore about dance, I was framing it as an obvious negative. Not giving it a chance and missing out on a hell of a lot of fun!

Could I teach pilates and make my clients laugh in the same session? Could I let my personality shine through more in every conversation? Could I interject more fun into my more serious endeavors? Could I be more present and adaptable in new situations? Could I basically allow myself to be happy? These were all questions I wanted to answer and then implement into my everyday interactions. Self imposed seriousness was what I wanted to shatter.

I didn’t need to approach a new client with worry. “Am I good enough? Will they want to continue working together?” But instead look at the situation as a chance to teach what I love, improve their understanding and awareness of their body, while bouncing around on fit balls! That sounds way more fun doesn’t it? A quick re-framing of your outlook on a given situation is all it takes to swear of seriousness forever.

What I needed to realize was that deep down I am enough. I can allow myself to have fun, enjoy every interaction with reality and make life what I want it to be. What I put out into the universe is what I get back. And that life is too short for seriousness and worry. If that means my days are spent teaching a handful of pilates clients, taking a dance class and walking the catwalk for an up and coming organic clothing line, all while tweeting my latest blog post, then so be it! We must do what makes us happy.

Your Challenge: Pick an activity, or interaction in your every day life. Let’s say your normal lunch meeting, a pillow talk with your partner, or interfacing with a new client. See if you can yank the seriousness out of it and interject some good vibes. Try to re-frame a situation in a more positive light and watch how the interaction unravels differently then usual.

Let me know what type of activity or interaction you choose and how you plan to make it more enjoyable in the comments. Can’t wait to hear what you guys come up with!

