After a deep night sleep there’s nothing better than opening those sleepy lids and stumbling into the kitchen with floppy slippers to quench a dry mouth and empty tummy. Morning elixirs are a simple way to add delight and energy to any morning.

 While most fiercely grab for their coffee mug, there are thousands of quick concoctions that will kick start your metabolism and give you energy for the day without the jitters and dreaded crash mid afternoon. 

Below are some of my tried and true morning elixirs to detoxify and replenish your mind, body and spirit. Some are simple teas, others involve a blender, and some are ideas from you guys! I asked my Twitter and Facebook friends what they run to in the morning and got quiet a response!

Tea time:

Green tea, White, Chai and Yerba Matte all top the energizing tea list. I recently fell in love with a chai/matte morning blend from Teavana that my roommate Alexis found. A little fruit, spice, and energy!
During my holistic health and Traditional Chinese Medicine studies in college I would pick from this handy dandy list of metabolism boosters. Which one do you fancy?


Green monsters…green smoothies are an excellent way to get more greens into your day if you don’t like the taste of grasses, seaweeds or dark leafy greens.

Kale and Banana
2 bananas
2 tablespoons hulled hemp seed
1 bag of frozen blue berries
2.5 cups pure water
1 teaspoon super foods of choice (optional)
5 leafs of kale

Arugula Lettuce and Pear
1 banana
2-3 pears
2 tablespoons hulled hemp seed
1 bag of frozen raspberries
2.5 cups pure water
1 teaspoon super foods of choice
small bunch of arugula lettuce leafs
Liquid stevia to taste
Acai Power…I am addicted to Sambazon’s Acai frozen puree and found these recipes quiet tasty! The acai bowl below is one of the most antioxidant rich ways to start your day with an added crunch of some granola. I sprinkle flax seeds or sliced almonds on top.

Acai Berry Cherry Smoothie
10 oz pure black cherry juice
3/4 cup frozen blueberries
1ea Sambazon Pure Acai frozen smoothie pack
1 tbs flax oil
1 tsp spirulina or unflavoured mixed green food powder
1 serving protein powder of choice

Acai Almond and Honey Smoothie
10 oz ice-cold water
1/4 cup raw almonds
1 ea banana, frozen
1ea Sambazon frozen Acai smoothie pack
3 tsp flax oil
2 tsp honey, or to taste
1/4 tsp stevia liquid extract, or to taste
1 tsp spirulina (optional)
— OR unflavoured mixed green food powder (optional)
1 serving protein powder of choice

My Notes: For the Acai smoothies I go for a simple hemp protein powder and a scoop of Maca powder for an added hormone regulation boost. Flax seed oil or an avocado are also great additions for smoothness. A few scoops of cocoa nibs never hurt either!
Raw Coffee! Yes there is such a thing. This is a fantastic recipe from the twins over on
3 cups water
2 tbsp mesquite
2 tbsp lucuma
2 carob powder
2 tbsp coconut butter or a nut milk or butter
1 packet stevia
handful of fresh mint
2 tsp vanilla

Detox Elixirs and Juices:

My super hydrating, nutrient rich elixir:
A glass of coconut water with a scoop of green powder and a squirt of lemon or orange juice.

My morning cleanse:
A glass of half grapefruit, half orange juice with a scoop of green powder.
Denise Mari of Organic Avenue details some incredibly detoxifying green juice recipes to sip anytime of day over on Gwyneth Paltrow’s blog GOOP.
To start the morning Denise recommends a tripod of support…

  • Combine 8 oz. of pure alkaline water.
  • 1 oz of pure aloe vera juice to improve bowel regularityand increase nutrient absorption
  • 1 oz of chlorophyll or green powder, diluted with up to 8 oz. of purifiedwater to oxygenate and boost nearly every major body system

Here are the most tasty recipes I can’t wait to try…

Lemon Lime Shake

 Hass avacado, roughly chopped
1 large cucumber, roughly chopped
1c young Thai coconut meat, roughly chopped
4c young Thai coconut water oz Stevia powder  c lemon juice  c lime juice
Small pinch of Himalayan salt

Young Alive Green Shake
1 large cucumber
1 oz lime juice
6 oz grapefruit juice
1 Hass avocado  2lb spinach
4 oz raw coconut milk
1 tsp of your favorite Green Powder
1 tsp Soy Sprout Powder
4 sprigs of fresh mint
14 cubes purified water ice
For both recipes: Combine all ingredients in a high-power blender such as a Vita Mix and blend well until completely smooth. Makes 2-3 servings.
For a taste of what a day of cleansing to boost alkalinity can look like print GOOP’S recipe newsletter. The Carrot Ginger Soup and Young Love Salad will be additions to my menu next week!

Reader Faves:
My twitter and facebook buddies rave about their concoctions…
Alex says, “Guayaki Yerba Mate with a dash of honey & splash of milk, or an Elixir Tonics, Depth Recharger, Power Plant, or Liquid Yoga, mixed with Pelegrino sparkling water, those all are good starts.”- Liquid Yoga sounds enticing! I must learn more.
Miller suggests, “Shakeology chocolate powder, banana, kale, pineapple!! YUM.”- haven’t heard of Shakeology, but love cocoa powder or cocoa nibs in a morning smoothie.
Alicia thinks, “anything with chai tea starts me out great! I’ve noticed it gives me more energy than coffee, don’t know why exactly.”- I’ve noticed the same thing. I lasted a fantastic six months without a cup of the bean. How To Ween Yourself Off Coffee, describes the process I went through.
@misfitmedic swears by “green tea mixed with Matte! Sometimes I like chocolate Matte.” – oohhhh chocolate.
@jtyson123 nourishes his mind and body with “Green vibrance powder, rice milk blended with a banana!”- I asked Jefferey why rice over almond or hemp milk? He likes how light rice milk is. I heart almond milk the most.
Won’t you join the discussion? What is your favorite morning elixir beyond the massive mug of joe. While the benefits or harmful effects of coffee are continually debated, I know with my own body that coffee is too acidic and makes me jittery and irritable. I need to listen to my body more. Do you listen to yours?

