Today is my one year anniversary going raw! Exactly a year ago I tossed all animal products, wheat, processed sugar, alcohol and most caffeine from my “healthy” diet and embarked on a journey to supreme living. I was on a mission to cultivate endless energy, clear radiant skin, lose fat, and feel true nourishment from my food. What began as a quest for ultimate health, lead to an abundance of self awareness, acceptance, creativity, clarity, new friends, and positivity.

Where I was….

Last January I had finally planted (for more than a few months) after a year of traveling abroad. I was paying off some debt, realigning myself with my passions and building momentum for future goals. I was still in what I call survival mode, where I was hording all my money and living as cheaply as possible. Much like I was while traveling. I couldn’t wait to jump out into the world again! One of the few downsides of traveling so much was the lack of consistency in nutrition. I couldn’t eat what my body needed to thrive from airport and train station vending machines! I was also under constant stress, which fueled emotional eating and holding onto unwanted pounds. I had gained about 10lbs over my travels and was diligently trying to get back to my former muscular and fit self.

Before raw at my heaviest in the rainforest of Cairns, Australia:
Since I was rooting in San Francisco for a bit I figured what better time to really crack down and challenge myself to lean out and get cut. I always had an easy time packing on muscle, but dropping to 8% body fat was going to be a true feat!
I had been reading extensively about the raw food movement, the science and it’s plethora of vibrant living and healing benefits. At that point I had maintained a fairly vegan (ie…no dairy, but some occasional raw fish..sushi!) diet and began experimenting with adding more and more raw foods. Ultimately eliminating all cooked foods for several months at a time. I went from 130lbs to a lean 120lbs. Dropping from a size 6 to a size 2! I never thought I’d ever be a size 2. I had this preconceived notion that I was meant to be a size 6 simply because I had always been that or bigger based on my meat, dairy and grain laden diet.
After raw for 8 months, soaking in the sun in Puerto Escondido

I had been carrying around excess fat, muscle and toxin that wasn’t serving my moment to moment mental clarity, dance/athletic ability, and ultimate longevity.
I lost excess muscle mass simply because I didn’t have time to weight train, but mainly it was the fat that melted away quicker than I could say grapefruit! And I was munching a lot of good fats, like avocado, coconut, flax, hemp seed, and all nuts and seeds. It felt like a down coat of toxin had been released and I was free to soar with light ceaseless energy.

Note: Muscle is flourishing back since making a few tweaks to my protein/fat intake and adding more upper body work to my training. It’s constant tinkering!
Raw foods are extremely cleansing and aid the body in getting rid of stored fat and toxins like heavy metals, pesticides and other environmental toxins. It made sense to me that the cleaner I ate, the easier my body would function, rebuild and defend.

Where I am now…

15 lbs lighter with boundless energy throughout the day. Glowing radiant skin emerged after a life time of acne. I’ve never danced better or felt as happy in every moment. I need less sleep and recover time from workouts. Intense spiritual clarity and connection to the planet has been the most profound change.
I feel like I am finally living in alignment with my values. The ethical treatment of animals and the heart wrenching effect of the meat industry on our environment and bodies was too much weight on my shoulders. I’m a firm believer in practicing what you preach and living by example. I live green, clean, and as conscious of my choices as possible. Raw food fit in perfectly!

Where I’ve grown…

Learning my digestive limits. After several months almost 100% raw eating a SAD cookie (or a few) full of dairy and processed sugar had me dashing to the loo! My body automatically rejects what it doesn’t recognize as real food now. I have a heightened awareness of how my body reacts to additives, preservatives and even certain nuts.
Blazing my own trail in a sea of SAD eaters has been a challenge that’s only fueled my self esteem. I know I have the self discipline and nutrition knowledge to back up why I am on this path. I am proof of the energy and abundance that eating pure food provides. I’ve spent the last year reading everything I can get my hands on about raw and superfood nutrition. Here are some of my most beloved educators, blogs, and communities. They’ve kept me motivated and supported through the process.

Authors, Educators and Their Blogs:

There are so many wonderful people in the movement and I couldn’t include them all, but here’s a taste…

Chris Karr of– living a crazy sexy life with cancer and the help of raw foods and lots of green juice. Her books Crazy, Sexy, Cancer and Crazy, Sexy Diet are hands down amazing!  

Brendan Brazier: Triathlete and author of The Thrive Diet is another beaming example of hard core athlete breaking records with living foods. He’s the mad scientist behind Vega vegan supplements and his free 30 Day Thrive program proved to me that I can be a vibrant thriving vegan athlete in the beginning of my experimentation.

Jeff Golfman of My good buddie Jeff makes killer videos about how you can be cool and raw/vegan. 10 years 100% raw…he knows what he’s talking about! Here’s his latest cartoon:

Danielle Charboneau of the lovely Dee is a devoted raw yoga goddess. Based in Santa Monica, she offers 21 day juice and raw food cleanse programs, delivery and classes. We’ll be putting on ALIVE LA together!

Jason Wrobel of the charismatic celebrity raw vegan chef with a fantastic set of pipes. Jason’s energy is magnetic and his passion for health and delicious food rocks my world. If you haven’t seen my interview with him yet get inspired now. He’s the first raw vegan chef to have a cooking showing on the TV!

Ani Phyo What can I say about Ani? She has created some of the best simple and delicious raw recipe books on the market. Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen is my current favorite. She’s the ultimate eco-lifestylist, teaching us all how to live greener and cleaner from the inside out. Check out this amazing candid three part interview with Ani and get ready to fall in love.

Tim VanOrden of Elite runner asking one simple question….Can one be an athlete while eating a 100% raw vegan diet? That curiosity was quickly answered with a resounding YES! As a professional dancer, Tim’s experiments with strength and endurance have resonated with me beyond belief.
Phillip McCluskey of has lost over 200lbs eating living foods. Between his ebooks, touring and open armed raw community he inspires thousands.

Matthew Kenney: Gourmet living food chef and celebrity who has multiple restaurants, recipe books, and a culinary institute! Check out this two part interview I skyped with Matthew. He is a true inspiration and leader in the raw food movement. Talk about mind, body, spirit balance and happiness! He’s a shining example of vitality.


There are so many, but here are some biggies..

Find local meet-up groups from– I searched and found dozens of raw/vegan/vegetarian groups in my area. Go to potlucks! Make delicious food and new friends. One of the main reasons I started producing the ALIVE SF event. To bridge the mind/body yoga and pilates loving peeps with the conscious living food community.

Where I’ve struggled…

Family. I come from a meat eating family. Almost every meal and snack I chowed growing up included animal products. When I decided to go vegan/raw get-togethers got complicated….. “What can you eat?” “I’ll have to make sure I have something you can eat in the house,” “but where do you get your protein?” all became common phrases. I wasn’t the one uncomfortable as I stood several times in the kitchen making a raw dinner. They just couldn’t wrap their minds around why I was being difficult, or in their minds unhealthy. I always make sure I bring food or make yummy raw eats so it’s not a burden to others.
Lesson learned: All people want you to be apart of their club, eat what they eat, drink like they do, because it makes them feel better about their choices and beliefs. Hold your ground guys! Live authentically to what you find works for you.

This journey has been a true lesson in the art of nonconformity

My family’s biggest concern was and continues to be my weight. They have never seen me at 118lbs. I was just as surprised as they were! It’s fairly typical when you first go raw to lose weight and then tinker with adding or subtracting foods to set you at your ideal weight and shape. Of course your workouts determine your muscular shape as well :D. Protein rich green smoothies really help.
I tell you, weight maintenance has never been so easy! I don’t weigh myself, but know that my jeans still fit and can move mountains with my energy, which is all that matters to me. I am happy light, bright and glowing. If I don’t need the extra pounds I’m not going to take em on. My blood work is perfect to boot! I am diligent about getting all my vitamins and minerals from my food now.

Where I’m going…

to the moon and back with energy to burn and focus of champions. I am still going strong and plan on eating as high raw as possible. That means about 80-100% raw foods with the rest being steamed veggies, quinoa bread and maybe some oats here and there. Why, you ask? Because I feel so damn good! I want to spread the word to all corners of the planet that incorporating more living foods into your life will change your idea of epic health and longevity!
I still very much feel that every body is distinctly unique and what works for me won’t necessarily work for you. Some people just aren’t willing to give up meat, dairy, processed sugar, and cooked foods. That’s all good! From now moving forward the recipes and nutrition information I share will surround living foods and plant based nutrition.

My only hope is to inspire you to make lasting change in your life by letting food be thy medicine.
I’m excited to announce that my next few pilates events, workshops and retreats are paired with living food nutrition and education! Simply because food is 80% of wellness. Whether you want to lean up, live forever or just maintain your weight, food and mind set are everything. You can work out at the gym for six hours a day and not see a damn bit of change unless you alter what goes in the mouth.  This is your year for transformation! I hope you’ll be there for my journey and take from it what suits you. I am here for you and I hope you’ll be there for me.

Have you heard of the raw food diet beyond Epicself? Have you tried to incorporate more living food into your life since reading my last few posts?

