Craving noodles? Boom! Try these Pad Thai Carrot Noodles with Creamy Peanut Ginger Cilantro Sauce. I whipped this baby up for dinner tonight. The recipe is super easy to make and so delicious.  And because you won’t find the refined carbohydrates found in traditional pastas in this recipe, you will feel energized instead of weighed down once you’re done eating.


We love this recipe because it’s so light yet makes us feel so satisfied. The sauce is to die for.


Pad Thai Carrot Noodles


3 cups of spiralized carrot


Peanut Ginger Sauce

3/4 cup of organic raw peanuts or peanut butter

1/2 orange juice

1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

1 tablespoon of raw sesame seed oil

1 thumb of ginger

Juice of one lime

Handful of cilantro

Optional jalpeno



1.) Spiralize all carrot and set aside

2.) Blend all sauce ingredients in a high speed blender and add to noodles.

3.) Massage the noodles with sauce and enjoy!


Serves: 3-4 of your favorite friends



