The only people who will be upset about your boundaries are those who benefit from you having none. Read that again.

How you choose to honor your space, time, and energy with clear boundaries directly correlates to how quickly you will grow personally and professionally. Furthermore, you must set and stick with your boundaries for you to have a more balanced, peaceful, fulfilling, and joyful journey in life.

If you are afraid to construct boundaries and communicate your needs in any area of life, remember that the right people won’t have an issue with you saying no. The right people will honor your choices and will actually respect you MORE for valuing yourself.

If you have a lot of people around you who don’t respect your personal and professional boundaries, it’s time to leave. Period.

You deserve to be surrounded by people who understand the importance of boundaries and respect you fully.

Don’t waste one moment concerned over other people’s opinions or approval. You are not here to appease everyone. And you are certainly not here to be used, underappreciated, and disrespected. You are here to be you in your full glory, uninhibited and free.

You have the power in your hands to reclaim your time, space, and energy to be used on what you wish.

Stop giving your power away.

Remember that NO is a complete sentence.

But you can’t just stop at recognizing you need to set boundaries. You have to do something about it. You must act on the boundaries you place.

Inaction breeds DOUBT and FEAR. Action breeds CONFIDENCE and COURAGE. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.

– Dale Carnegie

Self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and fear are the biggest obstacles in building your dreams. ACTION is the most powerful way to smash through all of your internal resistance to growth and begin to live on purpose from your heart.

STOP planning, thinking, intention setting, and asking other people their opinions.

START with small action steps daily in the direction of your dreams. You can recalibrate at any time. Just begin. DECIDE and COMMIT to you and your vision. You are worthy of what you desire, and thus you must think and act as though you are.

You cannot build self-confidence overnight. It cannot be bought or wished into existence. It has to grow through experience.

You got this. I stand with you. You must rise up, wake up, and do only that which you can. The fear is normal. What matters is how you walk through the fire anyway.


Love & Light!
Amber Sears


P.S. I’d love to hear from you!

What boundaries do you currently create and uphold to support your growth? Have you faced any challenges in setting and holding your boundaries? Comment below and let me know!

