During my last two weeks here in Costa Rica, aka Paradise, I have developed a new routine that has connected me to my spirit. Now you must be thinking how on earth can one awaken their spirituality while being away in paradise? Well let me tell you whats worked for me.

 It all started with a morning routine and setting my intentions for the day. I wake up everyday and do at least 10 minutes of guided meditation. Adopting the habit of practicing meditation daily can have tremendous benefits to your overall health and wellbeing. I have two apps that I have downloaded on my phone called Omvana and Headspace.  Both of these apps have pre-programmed guided meditation practices that range from 5 minutes to 60+ minutes. I like that they are guided as I find it very difficult to practice meditation on my own.  Practicing meditation daily has allowed me to tune into my own headspace and really connect to my higher self and the universe in a way I didn’t think was possible.

 After my daily meditation practice,  I move onto my gratitude and affirmation journal. Everyday I write down 3 things I am grateful for and 2 Affirmations. This alone has created a huge mindset shift and allowed for an abundance of  happiness, and positive energy to flow my way.   Two powerful affirmations that have helped me tremendously with evolving into my higher self are ” I am blissfully divine and infinitely capable” and “I let go of fear. I let go of pain. I live in love”  The reason I chose these two affirmations is because they resonate with me deeply as I embark on this journey of mine.  I found that behind all the fear, pain and suffering I have been through there is love. I want to live through love. Whether that is through receiving or giving, all things I do and feel will come from a place of love which I believe will connect me to the universe and manifest my spiritual side.  Now before this journey of mine and to this day, I struggle with believing in myself in all that I want to do. However, since using the affirmation “I am blissfully divine and infinitely capable” I found that the self doubts and beliefs have been happening less and that the universe is corresponding to me in ways I never thought were capable. To keep me in this positive mind state,  I like to repeat these powerful mantras/affirmations in my head 30 times through out the day.  Doing so leaves no room for negative thoughts but instead allows me to create and sustain a positive mindset.

Movement is a huge part of my life and I make it a priority to move daily.  Since being here in Costa Rica, practicing yoga daily has awakened my spiritual self.  Through the movement of breath,  I have created a deeper mind body connection and as a side effect more space has evolved in my mind and body which in return has connected me to my higher self.

 Mother nature provides us with an abundance of resources that are so powerful and healing to the body. From the natural foods we eat to plant medicines, it is no wonder why people have been using these tools to awaken their spiritual individualities. Being in Costa Rica I am surrounded by so much nature.  Connecting with nature has helped ground me and has created a better appreciation for what the universe has to offer to me.

From transitioning into practicing daily yoga and meditation to empowering my mind with daily affirmations and gratitude I am slowly seeing a spiritual side of me that I have never seen before.

